Insights & Info

In this section you’ll find our latest expert insights on data-driven student success monitoring, as well as Pulse customer case studies and the latest news about the developers of Pulse, Student Achievement Systems LLC!
Blog Series: Data is Your Friend!

Introduction: How to Use Data to Drive School Improvement
In this blog series we will be working with Chris Loiselle, operations director at two successful virtual schools in Michigan, to learn about how his schools incorporate the use of data into their school improvement planning process.

Part 1: Find Measurable Lead Metrics
Now that you have your SMART goal – in our case creating a 5% improvement in graduation rates – it’s time to do some research! This is probably the most important step you can take which will give you the greatest chance of reaching your goals. It also takes the most time.

Part 2: Identify Methods to Track Data and Report Outcomes
This school utilizes Pulse as their primary student tracking tool. There are several benefits to using this tool that will not be covered in this blog, but the greatest reason it made sense for the school to transition to the use of the Pulse Student Support tool was because Pulse is capable of centrally tracking all engagement data in one area.
Part 3: How to Effectively Report Outcomes — Dashboards
Now we are ready to begin presenting results to staff members, and centrally monitoring them. Pulse has a dashboard system built into it to help accomplish this task now, but for a long time this school prepared weekly dashboard reports through data exports from Pulse and Google Sheets.
Part 4: Incorporating Benchmarks and Staff Outcomes to Incentive Programs and Staff Evaluations
One of the most important pieces of the project was creating incentive for staff to work to improve performance. This school developed a two phased approach. The first phase was creating an incentive plan.
Blog Series: Effective MTSS
Introduction: Developing an effective MTSS Behavior Support System for virtual learners
For many K-12 schools, MTSS, or Multi-Tiered System of Supports, is a critical part of developing a student-centered support model. In a virtual environment a well planned MTSS operating structure becomes even more important. That’s because virtual learners do not benefit from the ‘captive audience’ benefit of a traditional seated program.
Step 1: Determine students’ greatest needs — Student Surveys
The heart of an MTSS system is the quality of support options your school has chosen to use in it. Those support options become a central part of a school’s operating practices and therefore must be carefully considered in order to maximize student outcomes.
Step 2: Map your MTSS/PBIS Support Strategy Based on Student Needs
Once you’ve identified the areas of greatest need, it’s time to begin developing your support detail. This first involves sharing the results of your staff and student research with your colleagues and beginning the discussion of identifying adult actions (supports) that can be implemented to remove barriers and adequately support students.
Step 3: Creating an MTSS/PBIS Handbook for Training Purposes
Now it’s time to begin the process of creating an MTSS Handbook. Before you move to staff training, you must have available a helpful guide for staff to refer to as they begin implementing your MTSS model. There are many benefits to creating such a tool…
Step 4: Involve and Train your Staff
Once you’ve taken the time to develop your MTSS Handbook, you are ready to plan staff training. There’s an important first step in the training process however — creating buy-in!
Step 5: Train your Staff in the MTSS Model
If you are an Educator, you have had several hours of school-provided professional development (PD). You know that some PD can be wonderful, and some can be horrendous. You’ve probably started to identify some of the critical characteristics of good PD, and we have also…
Step 6: The Validation and Certification Process – Use of the GESP
Now that staff members had been introduced to MTSS and the process of creating a student support plan, the next step was to begin the use of a tool to document and track the support planning effort.
Step 7: Automate and Simplify the MTSS Collection and Reporting Process Using Pulse
This school utilizes Pulse as their primary student tracking tool. There are several benefits to using this tool that will not be covered in this blog, but the greatest reason it made sense for the school to transition to the use of the Pulse Student Support tool was because Pulse is capable of centrally tracking all engagement data in one area.
Press Releases
Student Achievement Systems Accepted Into Conquer Accelerator Cohort in Grand Rapids
Conquer Accelerator announces its second cohort in Grand Rapids, in partnership with The Grand Rapids SmartZone LDFA. The 10-week accelerator welcomes five selected teams to its Grand Rapids program: Ascending, Revolin Sports, SBE Medical, Smart Bridge Medical, and Student Achievement Systems.
Virtual learning boom drives growth in Pulse software for schools
Spurred by an uptick in achievement among students using its virtual learning management program, southwest Michigan-based Student Achievement Systems LLC is looking to double the number of students and teachers served in the coming year.
Case Studies
Case Study: Kenowa Hills Online Learning Academy
CASE STUDY Kenowa Hills Online Learning Academy Jared Herron, the principal of Kenowa Hills Pathway High School and the director of online learning for all
Case Study: Virtual Student Achievement using Metrics
CASE STUDY Virtual Student Achievement using Metrics Online education uses a myriad of software applications to educate remote students in virtual classrooms. These systems provide
Leadership Team
John Sorensen, CEO
John is a pioneer in the business management and automation software industry, and has expanded that expertise and leadership into developing other workflow automation solutions. John developed some of the most successful software products for the television industry, then went on to lead these software companies in management and CEO roles. He has accomplished everything from launching successful software startups to leading decades of profitable growth and managing acquisitions to turn-arounds. John was the founding board president for Success Virtual Learning Centers of Michigan, a successful blended learning school in western lower Michigan.
Steve Falk, CTO
Steve joined Cable Computerized Management Systems (CCMS) as a Software Engineer in the television industry after receiving an education in Electronics. He rose through the ranks during his time at CCMS and Harris, landing in the role of Chief Technical Officer. Steve helped architect Harris’ next generation software application and performed due diligence for potential acquisitions.
Steve has led the development of the next generation Student Performance and Management software application for Student Achievement Systems.
Brion Eriksen, CMO
Brion is founder and owner of Elexicon, a digital agency focused on high-tech innovators and start-ups. Brion joined Student Achievement Systems as fractional CMO in 2021.
Brion has worked with John and Steve as a co-worker and marketing vendor since 1996, and has provided marketing strategy and creative direction for their software firms and start-ups as well as many similar clients throughout his career. Brion is leading Student Achievement Systems’ marketing and user experience efforts and consulting on sales, fundraising and operations.